Our Program
Horizons St. Louis in Kirkwood is a summer academic and enrichment program serving students in Kirkwood, MO who do not have access to high quality summer experiences. Our project-based educational model is designed to fuel a lifelong passion for learning, blending high-quality academics with cultural enrichment and confidence-building activities. Our focus on literacy and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) inspires students to learn, achieve, and experience greater academic success. Horizons St. Louis also offers swimming instruction, healthy meals and snacks, field trips, arts, sports, and an overall emphasis on social-emotional learning. Horizons serves students with a broad range of academic skills, providing them with the opportunity to experience success in a setting that, over time, becomes an inspirational and stable learning environment.
Students benefit from:
- A 5:1 student-to-educator ratio with professional teaching staff
- Confidence-building activities like swimming, arts, and sports
- Healthy meals and snacks during the summer program
- Weekly enrichment activities and field trips
- Long-lasting relationships with teachers and peers
- A challenging, encouraging, long-term learning community